I am Rightson Kirigha.
I craft web magic : I make pixels dance and code tell jokes.
Welcome to my whimsical world

Ever heard of the saying "Jack of all trades, master of none"? Well, I am that guy who proved that saying is wrong .I am Rightson Kirigha, a third-year Computer Science student at Riara University. I am a designer, developer, and founder. My superpower? Turning complex problems into elegant web wonders. Creativity is my passion, problem-solving is my forte, and collaboration is my driving force. With these powers combined, I create purposeful experiences that drive business results and push boundaries.

What I do
Combining my passion for design and development with hardwork, I bring creativity and technical skills to crafting digital experiences for web and mobile platforms.

I am currently available for freelance projects. If you have a project that you want to get started, think you need my help with something or just fancy saying hey, then get in touch.
Sample Projects
Its not just about the design, its about the results. But now, lets learn about Rightson, you might need an pen and paper for this.
So, I am a twenty something year old designer, developer and founder(multiple failed projects). I went to Chavakali High School, located in Vihiga County. I did my KCSE in 2021 and scored a (something between A-E, just guess). Was it easy? Yes. Was it worth it? Yes. Am i a genius? Nope. Anyways, joined Riara University in 2021 to pursue a degree in Computer Science.
I started my tech journey immediately in highschool, had a dream of creating an adult site(childish right?). I started learning HTML and CSS , but then ,got bored and decided to focus on my studies. When I joined campus, I started learning web development again, but this time, I was more serious.Knowing i needed to make money and start a startup
Two and a half years down the line , am currently a full time student and a freelancer. I have worked with a may clients and i am looking forward to working with more. I have like a million projects, but i will only mention a few.
Thank you for reading, now lets get to work.

Say hi!
What I do
Web Design
Web Development
Mobile Development
UI/UX Design
Final Year Projects
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