Apr 24, 2024

Rightson Chari

Let me tell you briefly what Univora is, simply put, its an eccomerce platform for university and college students, but where is the juice in that, there are many eccomerce websites out there , whats the different thing about it?, well to start , it supports all schools in Kenya, second, each school has a different subdomain, when you visit univora, you select your school or school near you and view all products and businesses listed there.

Also univora will remember your school. You can also install Univora as a native app. One last interesting thing, it also has a seller dashboard it means you can track all your orders and manage inventory

Well, as you know most techies are bad at marketing, how did Rightson plan to deal with this, well, so I choose to do partnerships, where I would approach school heads in different school, give them admin rights (Univora has admin dashboard to manage each school), and give them 50% share of univora in their school and they will be incharge if marketing and managing Univora there
For revenue , I was to go the jijimall way, Univora was to be free for anyone, but if you want your product to be promoted you would pay a cent or two, but for the first few months, it was going to be totally free
Long story short, I need to work on marketing and Univora almost made me quit tech
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